Wednesday 19 November 2014

Possible places your video will feature or be advertised

Possible places your video will feature or be advertised
YouTube: This could be a possible place for my video to feature because a lot of other people post there content on there it is also a place for a lot of people to view it because a lot of people go on that website. I will use this for my music video so friends, family and strangers can all watch it.

Vevo: This is linked with YouTube where basically it is a channel what people go on just for music this is another place that people could go and watch my video. I most likely wont use this for my video because it id for the move professional artist who are more popular.

Instagram: I could post a 15 second clip of my song for people to listen to and if they like it then they can go and download it. I could also just post a picture telling people the song is out and then they can go download it. I will but a 15 second video of my music video for people to get a taste of what it is like and give a link to the video on YouTube in the description.

Twitter:  I could tweet a link to the song to go download it or I could just tweet saying how good it is. This would be a good way to get some feedback on my video and for lots of people to see it in one place. I will tweet my video for the people what follow me to see and maybe some of them will retweet it for more people to see.

Music channel: People can go and watch TV and turn on the music channel they do this just to watch the video or having music on in the background. A lot of people have TV's and therefore can have the music channel. Again this is more for professional who have a lot of money to do this. 

Rockpack: This is where you can grab videos from anywhere and put them in a pack where other people can follow your packs. This would be good because song what are similar top yours will all be in the same back. I have never used Rockpack but I will see how I can upload my video on to it for people to watch.

Facebook: You can share your videos with friends and then they can comment on it telling you what they like and don't like.This is also a good what to show your music video to a lot of people at one time. I will upload my video on my Facebook for all of my 1000 friends to see and hopefully some people will share it so more people will watch it.

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Narrative Theorists

Pop questionnaire results

Pop Questionnaire results

Are you male or female?
  • Male: 7
  • Female: 8

How old are you?
  • 10 and below:
  • 11-13: 3
  • 14-17: 6
  • 18-21: 4
  • 22+: 2

Do you like pop music videos?
  • Yes:  13
  • No: 2

Do you like your music videos to have a narrative, abstract, live performance or a bit of each?
  • Narrative:  8
  • Abstract: 3
  • Live performance: 1
  • Bit of each: 2

How often do you watch music videos in a week?
  • Not at all: 3
  • Not very often: 4
  • Sometimes: 5
  • All of the time: 3

How often do you listen to the lyrics of a songs?
  • Not at all: 1
  • Not very often: 2
  • Sometimes: 5
  • All the time: 6